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Early morning dreams are really effective!!! Just promise me they are true …

1 Jul

… Had a dream in the wee hours this morning … We were planning to bunk the office and go trip to some not so famous place … Because only thing that mattered to us was our companionship.

Kakaji smiled and left to the kitchen with his plate of chopped vegetables and saying “office mein kuch critical fas gaya to”.

“Critical bhi hua to jayenge, tera backup kab kaam aayega”, i replied. My shout followed by Kumar’s usual supporting laugh and I woke up happily out of my dream. Even though just a dream, just for a few seconds, but i was happy. Missing you Sushil and Kumar.

There were a few stupid things about this dream
1. why everyone was chopping vegetables.
2. What the hell we all were doing in new zealand,  Onsite ?? together ?? same project ?? Naaah …
3. Well, idea of trip wont be in this list. And i guess you guys will agree 🙂